A hectare is an internationally accepted unit of area. Hectare is the most commonly used unit of area measurement across the globe. Hectare is primarily used to measure large land parcels.
Hectare is derived from the Greek word hekaton that means 100.
As per the British imperial system of units, a hectare is equivalent to 2.471 acres and 10,000 square meters.
One hectare is equal to 107639 square ft and 11959 square yards.
Land with 100 hectares of area is equal to 1 square kilometer.
Hectare and acre are some of the oldest land measurement units, generally used by farming communities for measuring large land areas. Hectare is known as a metric unit, while acre is a unit of area. An acre is equivalent to 4047 square meters and 43560 square feet and 4840 square yard.
European countries like France, Germany, Finland, Hungry, Poland, Romania are among the nations where hectare is most used. Canada, Australia, India, are the other countries where hectare is used to measure farmland.
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During the purchase and sale of large land parcels, units of a hectare and acre are used. Hectare is denoted by ha while acre is denoted by ac.
We can covert the hectare into acre by multiplying hectare with acre. For example, you can convert 10 hectares into acres with the following formula;
ac = ha X 2.4710
10 ha X 2.4710 = 24.710 acre
Similarly, we can convert any hectare unit to an acre.
1 Hectare = 2.4710 acre
2 Hectare = 4.9421 acre
3 Hectare = 7.4132 acre
4 Hectare = 9.8842 acre
5 Hectare = 12.3553 acre
10 Hectare = 24.710 acre
15 Hectare = 37.065 acre
20 Hectare = 49.421 acre
25 Hectare = 61.776 acre
Check out to know more about Convert Acre To Square Feet & how to Square Meter To Square Yards Converter?