A kilocalorie (symbol: kcal or Cal) is a unit of energy, which is equal to 1,000 calories or 4.1868 kilojoules. As your biology teacher might have taught you, we often refer to these as small calories. When spelled Calories, they can sometimes be ambiguous with the large calorie.
The kilocalorie was originally named in 1824 by Nicolas Clement, who based the term on "calor" from Latin. The definition of the calorie was set as a unit of heat energy. The term was not used in America until 1887 when Wilbur Olin Atwater defined the kilocalorie to be 1,000 calories and generated charts to depict caloric intake and burn rates by body size and activity level.
Current use
The kilocalorie is an obsolete unit of measurement, but it's still used by many countries to measure food energy alongside SI units like kilojoules. Kilocalories are also sometimes seen in chemistry.
The kilo- prefix is based on SI prefixes, but the more than one prefix after "kilo-" is not common.
One calorie is the amount of energy that is necessary to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. This is also known as a small calorie or a gram calorie, and it's equal to 4.1868 joules.
A "calorie" (symbol: Cal), also called a kilocalorie or kilogram calorie, is technically the equivalent of 1000 small calories. It is often used in labeling foods and for that reason it's also known as the food calorie.
The Latin word "calor" means heat; it was first defined as an energy unit in 1824 by Nicolas Clement. The large calorie was introduced to the American public later in 1887 by Wilbur Olin Atwater.
Current use
Technically, the calorie is outdated. In fact, it was considered obsolete after the adoption of SI in 1960. Despite this, the large calorie as a unit of food energy is still widely used. Alongside kilojoules it's also sometimes seen on food labels. This is not recognized though; so there is some confusion when it's only labeled as Calories rather than kilocalories.
Although calories can be used to measure energy, the term is most often used for food. When referring only to energy, "calorie" typically describes the small calorie. But in other contexts it's often reported as kilocalories.
Kilocalorie (th) to Calorie (th) Conversion Table
Kilocalorie (th) [kcal (th)] Calorie (th) [cal (th)]
0.01 kcal (th) 10 cal (th)
0.1 kcal (th) 100 cal (th)
1 kcal (th) 1000 cal (th)
2 kcal (th) 2000 cal (th)
3 kcal (th) 3000 cal (th)
5 kcal (th) 5000 cal (th)
10 kcal (th) 10000 cal (th)
20 kcal (th) 20000 cal (th)
50 kcal (th) 50000 cal (th)
100 kcal (th) 100000 cal (th)
1000 kcal (th) 1000000 cal (th)
How to Convert Kilocalorie (th) to Calorie (th)
1 kcal (th) = 1000 cal (th)
1 cal (th) = 0.001 kcal (th)
Example: convert 15 kcal (th) to cal (th):
15 kcal (th) = 15 × 1000 cal (th) = 15000 cal (th)
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