A Kilometer is the SI unit of distance. It is the unit of distance and is generally used to express long distances. The symbol of the Kilometer is Km. The prefix Kilo denotes one thousand. One Kilometer is equal to 1000 meters.
A kilometer is an official unit to measure the distance of a geographical place on land across the globe.
Meter is the basic SI unit of length and distance. The symbol of the meter is m. One meter is equal to 1/1000 Km.
Meter and Kilometer, both are used to measure the length and distances.
Method to convert Kilometer to Meter.
To derive the value of the meter, we have to multiply the value of the kilometer by 1000.
Meter = kilometer x 1000
We can also understand the concept with an example, suppose we have to convert the 100 Kilo-meter into Meter
100 Kilometers x 1000 = 100000 meters
Kilometer-to-Meter conversion
1 Kilometer = 1000 meters
2 Kilometers = 2000 meters
3 Kilometers = 3000 meters
4 Kilometers = 4000 meters
5 Kilometers = 5000 meters
10 Kilometers = 10000 meters
20 Kilometers = 20000 meters
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Method to convert meter to kilometer.
To derive the value of the kilometer we have to multiply the value of the meter by 0.001
Kilometer = Meter X 0.001
We can also understand the concept with an example, suppose we have to convert 100 meters into a kilometer.
100 meter X 0.001 = 0.1 Kilometer
We can also convert the meter into a Kilometer in the following manner since one kilometer is equivalent to 1000 meters therefore, we have to divide the length in meters by 1000.
Kilometer = meter / 1000
We can also understand the concept with an example suppose we have to convert the 100 meters into a kilometer.
100 meter /1000 = 0.1 Kilometer
Meter to Kilometer Conversion
1 meter = 0.001 Kilometer
2 meters = 0.002 Kilometer
3 meters = 0.003 Kilometer
4 meters = 0.004 Kilometer
5 meters = 0.005 Kilometer
10 meters = 0.01 Kilometer
20 meters = 0.02 Kilometer
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