A teaspoon is a unit of measurement from a measuring spoon, and it's equal to around 5 ML. The United States customary teaspoon, on the other hand, is equal to 4.928922 ML.
The teaspoon was originally used as a unit of measurement in the Apothecaries' system, which equaled 1 fluid dram, 1/4 of a tablespoon or ¼ of an ounce. This definition of a teaspoon is smaller than ones used today. This is partially due to tea being expensive and smaller tea cups and teaspoons, back when it was introduced in 1660s England. Once imports started coming in from China and making tea more accessible (and cheaper) with its larger servings, English teacups and spoons were also enlarged to accommodate visitors. Today's US customary teaspoon equals the same amount as today's metric teaspoon volume-wise (though not by size).
Current use
The teaspoon is the only form of measuring spoon typically used in cooking, and it's also used for measuring out prescriptions. Unless you're cooking or taking an over-the-counter medication, you probably won't need to think about these measurements.
A milliliter is a unit of volume that is accepted for use in the international system of units (SI). It's 1 cubic centimeter (cm³), or to put that in real terms, one-thousandth of a liter (L) or one-hundredth of a US pint, which is 473mL.
The liter is the standard metric unit in the United States. The term liter is not part of any international system and is not recognized by the General Conference on Weights and Measures outside the United States.
Current use
Milliliters are measures of the volume of many containers in everyday use, including plastic bottles and cans. Many measurement devices - like graduated cylinders, beakers, pipettes, cups - also use milliliters.
Teaspoon (US) to Milliliter Conversion Table
Teaspoon (US) Milliliter [mL]
Teaspoon (US) Milliliter [mL]
0.01 teaspoon (US) 0.0492892159 mL
0.1 teaspoon (US) 0.4928921594 mL
1 teaspoon (US) 4.9289215938 mL
2 teaspoon (US) 9.8578431875 mL
3 teaspoon (US) 14.7867647813 mL
5 teaspoon (US) 24.6446079688 mL
10 teaspoon (US) 49.2892159375 mL
20 teaspoon (US) 98.578431875 mL
50 teaspoon (US) 246.4460796875 mL
100 teaspoon (US) 492.892159375 mL
1000 teaspoon (US) 4928.92159375 mL
How to Convert Teaspoon (US) to Milliliter
1 teaspoon (US) = 4.9289215938 mL
1 mL = 0.2028841362 teaspoon (US)
Example: Convert 5 teaspoon (US) to mL:
5 teaspoon (US) = 5 × 4.9289215938 mL = 24.6446079688 mL
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