A yard is a unit of length measurement used in imperial and US customary systems. One yard is equal to 1/1760 miles. The yard is abbreviated as yd. Yard has been standardized as 0.9144 meters by international agreement since 1959.
In various sports like soccer, the field length is measured in yards and the cricket pitch is measured in yards.
Mile is also the unit of length measurement used in imperial as well as US customary systems. Mile is abbreviated as mi. Mile has been standardized as 1609.344 meters by international agreement since 1959. One mile is equal to 1760 yards.
Mile is used to express land distance in countries like The United States, United Kingdom, Liberia, Myanmar, etc.
Method to convert yards to miles
To derive the value of miles, we have to multiply the value of yard by 0.000568182
Miles = Yard x 0.000568182
We can also understand the concept with an example, suppose we have to convert the 100 yards into a miles
100 yard x 0.00056818 = .0.0568182 mile
We can also convert the yards into miles in the following manner, since one mile is equivalent to 1760 yards, therefore we have to divide the length in the yard by 1760.
Mile = Yard / 1760
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We can also understand the concept with an example, suppose we have to convert the 100 yards into miles
100 yard /1760 = 0.056818 mile
Yard-to-mile conversion
1 Yard = 0.000568182 mile
2 Yards = 0.00113636 mile
3 Yards = 0.00170455 mile
4 Yards = 0.00227273 mile
5 Yards = 0.00284091 mile
10 Yards = 0.00568182 mile
20 Yards = 0.0113636 mile
Method to convert miles to yards
To derive the value of yard, we have to multiply the value of mile by 1760
Yard = Mile X 1760
We can also understand the concept with an example, suppose we have to convert the 100 miles into a yard.
100 mile X 1760 = 176000 yards
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